More of this ^^^
And loads of this^^^
Bracelet bags you say…
I’ll see your bracelet bag and raise you a branded sewing label
I cant take enough photos of these things, love them so much. I mean, I know that saying one is “obsessed” by a thing is almost meaningless now, but I truly am obsessed with making small bags. Madness, who will buy them??
So beautiful
Super loved this iced coffee
Outraged by the amount of packaging for some ear buds
Appreciative of the local curry shop’s new tablecloths
Excited by working out a point of sale display for The Cloth Shop Ivanhoe and my Sewing necklaces!
Back to this
After the Rain
Then back to this
Making cuffs
And then they were done
International Day at the nursing home! Staff all dressed up and taking Bollywood dancing videos
Experiments with bag making
I did the Burwood night market and it took me two days to get over it. Three, to be honest. Have since been pretty unwell. Have had tests and scans and a real-life health crisis with more to come. My main response has been super pissed off. Really pissed off with it, and really sick. Bummer
But the lights were pretty