DIY patchwork tree baubles
The idea came directly from my favourite newspaper, The Guardian of course, and its a good one. The idea I mean. But the newspaper is too. Of course. A good idea I mean. Oh heavens, just get on with it, CHRISTMAS IS NEXT WEEK OMG.
Ok ok yes they're pretty.
See the project how to here. Mine aren't quite so...pastel. Yes, sorry. One just isn't into pastel florals but one is quite into leopard print. Leopard print is very Granny Corner. And orange is one's favourite colour. One disapproves of the red & green that goes EVERYWHERE at this time of year. But one is quite keen on all the gold & silver decorations getting strewn about. Put 'em all together and result is these anti-Christmas baubles that one is able to accept about one's house. Its a tough time of year for design storm troopers, but someones gotta do it, blah blah.
So as far as Christmas DIY's go, this one is as I said, acceptably anti-horrid (seriously, what is WITH that red & green?? It's just weird.) and most importantly, cheap. Granny Corner approves of cheap. Also jewellery, GC really, really believes in that.
These baubles were made a couple of years ago; the Guardian sells them as "a great activity to do with the kids", but trust me, you've gotta watch them buggers like a hawk or suddenly its all different sized squares and uneven colour spread and they walk away leaving a mess after having stuck TOO MANY of the nicely cut squares I started them with on their clothing, hair and any unprotected non bauble surface....its just not "great" is all I'm sayin'.
But I have another thing I'm making, WITHOUT "the kids" for this year. Which I'm frantically working on at the moment because CHRISTMAS IS NEXT WEEK, DAMMIT. More haste more haste more haste AND CAPS LOCK HASTE, fool!