Artworking...generally. And lots of jewellery. 2021.
The gold discs are specially coated, gilded fabric remaining from the Star Casino commission. With the rings being anodised aluminium, these big looking things are almost weightless. Clever hey
The most enjoyable things I’ve done this year:
Making the metal lace for Palmland (artwork in progress) and
making costume jewellery.
I have loved the sit-down-and-make. Sitting at the bench is real comfy
Because the metal lace was in Normal Time, then in Lockdown Time, I found myself being ok to just sit at the studio bench, and the jewellery happened
I’m amazed more than you are
it just flowed
The figurine on the necklace above is a cast from a mold I took of a small carving I was given in PNG as a child. His name is Max. There’s a Max the Larger who is a bit bigger than this one and is wall mounted, so he’s no good for cultural appropriation & exploitation as jewellery. I made this for myself, no financial gain is being made so keep your socks on
Safer ethical ground. The chain is rounded-paperclip which means the pieces slide across from one end of the link to the other, but I like it because it looks like an anchor chain. And there’s pearls that bind the pieces to each other. So deep. The enamel heart charm is a deep blood red but looks black here
Many joyous moments
It is my dearest wish is to one day actually BECOME GOLD
Gamechanger. Suddenly, I could do this
I believed I was beginning to make quality work, but then, its hard to go wrong with gold leaf & freshwater pearls
Revolutionary display ideas.
The Kevins. We need to talk about the Kevins. I am a bit dismayed and pretty bummed by this project. I sat on it for too long, for months, thinking I’d crack the timing to launch it perfectly if I just…..kept waiting for some perfect time. I came up with it in August, made a few pieces & sent two pairs to Vanessa in October and she loved them & we got excited about selling them together & having them for sale in her gallery and to her huge following, so on the strength of that I bought materials in bulk from China but then by the time they arrived (Covid shipping syndrome of several multiple weeks at sea or whatever) it was like things had moved on & it didn’t feel so important. It was buzz killed. My plan for supplying the Christmas market went a bit floppy. It was a great idea, it is funny and it is great and it kept me going and as a result I’m making better things now. So I’ve addressed that, and have moved on.