Artworking; October 2018
This October I looked after my brother as he recovers from a serious illness. Of four of us, I am second and he is fourth. Ask any of us if we’re close and we will all say yes, very, even if its been years since we last met. In our childhood, damage was sustained and I think we are all in a permanent state of recovery. Post trauma plus a bit. So none of us were really surprised when A’s suffering tipped into terminal and I truly do praise God that I am here and I am able to be a help to him.
He will be staying with us & convalescing for some time & I’m +happy about that, he’s gifted-level clever and very very funny. I love my brother. Puppy loves my brother.
English? Really, appalling English. I’ve deliberated considerable after this entry my time and its not accepted around. Thats it. No round.